Prices - Horse Show Jumps
We offer a free farm plank with your purchase of $7,000 or more in products or packages!
Email if you have any questions!
5' Horse Jump Wing and Schooling Standards (sold in pairs)
Wing Standards: Classic, painted white | $270.00 |
Wing Standards, unpainted | $240.00 |
5'3" Schooling Standards, painted white | $170.00 |
5'3" Schooling Standards, unpainted | $140.00 |
5' Colored Wing Standards | $320.00 |
5' Solid Panel, Slant, or Lattice Standards, Painted White | $325.00 |
6' Wing Standards: Classic, Lattice or Slanted Painted White | $360.00 |
6' Colored Wing Standards | $350.00 |
6' Wing Standards, Unpainted | $275.00 |
6' Schooling Standards, Painted White | $200.00 |
6' Stone Column Standards | $895.00 |
Unassembled Jump Kit, 10 sets of unpainted standards (5 schooling and 5 wing), minimal assembly required, sanded, finished, and ready for paint. Save on shipping! | $1,895.00 |
Horse Jump Planks
10' Plank Single Sided Artwork | $175.00 |
12' Plank Single Sided Artwork | $185.00 |
10' Plank Double Sided Artwork | $225.00 |
12' Plank Double Sided Artwork | $250.00 |
10' Plank Any Color | $145.00 |
12' Plank Any Color | $155.00 |
Farm Planks with Logo or Farm name | $275-$350 |
Planks 10' - unpainted | $120.00 |
Planks 12' - unpainted | $130.00 |
Horse Jump Gates
Slanted picket - 15", 10 ft. Painted | $165.00 |
Slanted picket - 15", 12 ft. Painted | $175.00 |
Vertical picket - 15", 10 ft. Painted | $165.00 |
Vertical picket - 15", 12 ft. Painted | $175.00 |
Lattice Gate - 15", 10 ft. Painted | $175.00 |
Lattice Gate - 15", 12 ft. Painted | $200.00 |
Colored Gates, 10 ft. | $185.00 |
Colored Gates, 12 ft. | $200.00 |
Unpainted Gates - 15", 10 ft. - Any Style | $125.00 |
Unpainted Gates - 15", 12 ft, - Any Style | $150.00 |
Horse Jump Walls, 2 piece
White or Colored, 24" x 16" x 10' Solid Wall | $550.00 |
White or Colored, 24" x 16" x 12' Solid Wall | $650.00 |
Any Stone detail, 24" x 16" x 10' Solid Wall | $650.00 |
Any Stone detail, 24" x 16" x 12' Solid Wall | $750.00 |
Brick Walls, 24" x 16" x 10' | $800.00 |
Brick Walls, 24" x 16" x 12' | $875.00 |
Any Stone detail, 24" x 16" x 10' Bridge Aqueduct | $670.00 |
Any Stone detail, 24" x 16" x 12' Bridge Aqueduct | $770.00 |
Unpainted, 24" x 16" x 10' | $450.00 |
Unpainted, 24" x 16" x 12' | $550.00 |
Prices are subject to change without notice.
To order: Email or call 540-987-8412.
You Need Custom Horse Jump Designs for Your Next Competition
If you are hosting professional horse riding competitions, and you do not have custom horse show jumps made from wood, you are making the wrong impression on your competitors and spectators. Why are you making a bad impression on those in the arena? Let’s start with the quality of the jumps.
To order: Email or call 540-987-8412.
Due to the differences in shipping rates based on your location, we do not offer online ordering. To buy horse jumps through us or any of our other products, call or email us today. We are available to answer questions momentarily. If you require shipping, please be sure to include your city and zip code with any correspondence.
Check out our Horse Show Jumps and Horse Jump Poles in Virginia.
Vinyl Is Expensive and Flimsy
You may have paid a pretty penny for vinyl horse jumps, but they do not last as long as wood and they do not look as good, either. Plenty of riders have sworn off vinyl horse jumps because they break and they cannot be fixed. Vinyl jumps are perhaps more likely to break than wooden jumps because horses do not show them the same respect, so it is always a wise investment to purchase wood jumps for sale instead.
When you buy horse jumps that are made of vinyl, they are simply too fragile and lightweight, and horses can tell. That is why they will step on vinyl ground lines and knock vinyl rails out of their cups, without a second thought. When vinyl jumps break, they can injure your horses. We have personally known horses who have had to have bits of vinyl jumps surgically removed from their legs after breakage.
Additionally, vinyl jumps just do not look as good. They need to be anchored in place with sandbags, and that can give your course a less than appealing appearance. You will not have that problem with our custom wood horse jumps for sale.