Why a Wall Caddy Is Required

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Wall Caddy that you needWhether you are training or setting up an arena for a competition, horse jumping requires preparation. Make getting ready easier by installing a wall caddy for your poles. Adding wall caddies strategically around your property will make your life easier, create a more pleasant environment for everyone, and help your equipment last longer.


Get Organized and Tidy

Switching jump poles should be quick and easy, but it’s frustrating when you can’t find what you’re looking for. By keeping your poles in a nearby wall caddy, you can quickly locate what you’re looking for. A little organization goes a long way to making the setup process more efficient.

Wall caddies also make your arena look tidier and more professional. No one wants to see poles lying in a pile on the ground, plus they pose a hazard for people and horses. Storing them in caddies is a simple, elegant solution.


Increase Pole Longevity

Replacing poles, horse jump walls, and other equipment can be costly, so you want to keep your equipment in useable condition for as long as possible. By leaving poles on the ground, you expose them to moisture and other detrimental conditions that will reduce their lifespan. A wall caddy is a much safer storage option that will increase your poles’ longevity.